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Congratulations to the Sri Lankan Earth Science Olympiad Team
The international Earth Science Olympiad (IESO) competition was just concluded at Mie, Japan on 27th August 2016. Our team will arrive at the Bandaranayake International Airport by 11.00 am today (28th August).
The GSSL is very happy to inform you that the Sri Lankan team has won two GOLD medals for group competitions and one BRONZE medal for written examination. The gold medal was won for the International Team Field Investigation (ITFI) competition led by Ashini Kurera (Her contribution to the team was 80% according to the judges). The other gold medal is for the Earth Science Project (ESP) competition led by Amashi Niwarathne (Her contribution to the team was 80% according to the judgers). Sasmitha Waidyathilleke won a bronze medal for the written exanimation of the International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO) competition.
The Sri Lankan team comprised of four students in biological and physical sciences (Advanced Level) and they did not have an opportunity to learn Earth Science thoroughly in their school curriculum unlike participants from other countries. After giving a short training within a one month period by the GSSL, our team was able to perform well at this international competition. We consider this as a great achievement. The GSSL thanks to all resource persons who trained the students, the National Earth Science Olympiad Committee of the GSSL for organizing this activity tremendously and, the Sri Lankan team including mentors for their collective work and commitment. The GSSL congratulates to the medalists for their great achievement. The GSSL wishes the four students a very bright future.
Group images from the Olympiad Japanese Site
Earth Science Olympiad Competition 2016 – Mie, Japan
Ananda Coomaraswamy Memorial Oration
The Ananda Coomaraswamy Memorial Oration was delivered by Prof. K.V.W. Kehelpannala, who was the recipient of the Medal in 2015. Prof. Wilbert Kehelpannala has contributed tremendously towards the Sri Lankan Geology, and now serves as a Professor at the Department of Geology of Faculty of Science, Botswana University.
Title: Post-Metamorphic K-Metasomatism of High-Grade Rocks: A New Concept in Geology.
The ceremony was held on 22nd August 2016 (Monday) at 2.30 pm at the P.W. Vitanage Hall, Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya. Many GSSL members including eminent retired geologists attended this event.
To see images Click Here
2016 Winners of the Earth Science Olympiad Competition
Geological Society of Sri Lanka (GSSL) organizes, annually, National Earth Science Olympiad Competition among advance level students to raise student interest and public awareness towards Earth Science education. The competition tests students’ ability in disciplines such as geology, meteorology, environmental science, geography and astronomy. Winners are awarded with medals and certificates at annual technical sessions of the Geological Society of Sri Lanka and the best four students are sent to the International Earth Science Olympiad Competition. This time, 2016 Winners will be participating the international competition from 20th to 27th August 2016 at Mie city in Japan.
Geological Society of Sri Lanka congratulates the Winners of 2016 and wishes them good luck. We hope you will be able to bring honor to our country by winning the International Earth Science Olympiad Competition.
Starting from left Miss Keishini Navamani (Hillwood College, Kandy), Miss Ashini Kurera (Maliyadeva Girls Collage, Kurunegala), Miss Amashi Niwarathne (Vihsaka Vidyalaya, Colombo) and Master Sasmitha Waidyathilleke (Trinity College, Kandy).
Ananda Coomaraswamy Memorial Oration
Geological Society of Sri Lanka
Cordially invites you for
Ananda Coomaraswamy Memorial Oration
Delivered by
Prof. K.V.W. Kehelpannala
Title: Post-Metamorphic K-Metasomatism of High-Grade Rocks:
A New Concept in Geology
22nd August 2016 (Monday) at 2.30 pm
at the P.W. Vitanage Hall,
Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya
2.30 pm Welcome Speech by President/GSSL
2.35 pm Address by the Chief Guest
2.45 pm Citation for the Prof. K.V.W. Kehelpannala, the Recipient of Ananda Coomaraswamy Medal in 2015
3.00 pm Award of Ananda Coomaraswamy Medal by the President/GSSL
3.05 pm Deliver the Ananda Coomaraswamy Oration
4.00 pm End of the Programme
4.45 pm Refreshments
Click here for details of Eligibility and Previous Recipients
GSSL Field Workshop 2016 – Successfully Completed.
See more details of images
Application deadline:
For Details Click here:
Sri Lankan Earth Science Olympiad Competition – 2016
Island-wide Examination on Sri Lanka Earth Science Olympiad will be held on the 28th May, 2016.
Date : Saturday 28th May, 2016
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Province Examination Center
Central: Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya
Eastern: 1. Faculty of Applied Sciences, South Eastern University, Sammanthura
2. Bt / St. Ceciliyas College, Covington Road, Batticaloa
Northern : Dept. of Commerce, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce
University of Jaffna, Thirunelvely, Jaffna
North Central: Department of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences,
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Mihintale
North Western: Department of Computing & Information Systems,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Kuliyapitiya,
Southern: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science & Technology, University of
Ruhuna, Wellamadama, Matara
Sabaragamuwa : Department of Natural Resources, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka,
Uva : Department of Science and Technology, Uva Wellassa University of
Sri Lanka, Badulla.
Western: Visakha Vidyalaya, No 133 Vajira Road, Colombo 5