The 34th Executive Committee of GSSL (2017)
Prof. N.P. Ratnayake (President)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Earth Resource Engineering, University of Moratuwa, mobile: , e-mail:
Dr. L.V. Ranaweera (Secretary)
Senior Lecturer, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Mobile: , e-mail:
Dr. Gamini Jayatissa (Vice President)
Research Scientist, National Building Research Organization, mobile: , e-mail:
Prof. Deepal Subasingha (President elect)
Research Scientist, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Hantana Rd. Kandy, mobile: , e-mail:
Dr. Tilak Hewawasam (Past President)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Peradeniya, mobile: , e-mail:
Dr. P.L. Dharmapriya (Treasurer)
Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya, mobile: , e-mail:
Dr. N.W.B. Balasooriya (Co- Editor)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya, Mobile: , e-mail:
Dr. S.P.K. Malaviarachchi (Co- Editor)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya, mobile: , e-mail:
Dr. Upul Premarathne (Committee Member)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Oceanography and Marine Geology, University of Ruhuna, Mobile: , email:
Dr. Daham Jayawardhane (Committee Member)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayawardhanepura Mobile: , email:
Dr. Amila Rathnayake (Committee Member)
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Earth Resource Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Mobile: ,
Mr. S. Gunarathne (Committee Member)
Geologist, National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Mobile: , email:
Mr. D. Abeysinghe (Committee Member)
Geologist, Geological Survey & Mines Bureau, 569, Epitamulla Road, Pitakotte, Mobile: , email:
Mr. W.A.D.T.L. Wijesinghe (Committee Member)
Scientist, National Building Research Organization, Mobile: , email:
Mr. Shasika Kumarasinghe (Committee Member)
Scientist, Water Resources Board, Mobile: , email:
The 33rd Executive Committee of GSSL (2016)
Dr. Tilak Hewawasam (President)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Peradeniya, mobile: , e-mail:
Dr. L.V. Ranaweera (Secretary)
Senior Lecturer, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Mobile: , e-mail:
Prof. Deepal Subasingha (Vice President)
Research Scientist, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Hantana Rd. Kandy, Tel: , E-mail:
Prof. N.P. Ratnayake (President Elect)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Earth Resource Engineering, University of Moratuwa, mobile: , e-mail:
Mr. Chaminda Kularatna (Treasurer)
Petroleum Geologist, Petroleum Resource Development Secretariat, Mobile: , e-mail:
Dr. N.W.B. Balasooriya (Co- Editor)
Senior Lecturer, South Eastern University, Mobile: , e-mail:
Dr. S.P.K. Malaviarachchi (Co- Editor)
Senior Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya, mobile: , e-mail:
Prof. Rohan Fernando (Past President)
Prof. in Geology, The Open University, Mobile: e-mail:
Mr. H.M.L. Indrathilake (Committee Member)
National Building Research Organization, mobile: , e-mail:
Mr. S. Gunarathne (Committee Member)
Geologist, National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Mobile: , email:
Ms. U. Abeypala (Committee Member)
Geologist, National Gem and Jewelry Authority, No. 25, Galle Face Terrace, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka, Mobile: , email:
Mr. D. Abeysinghe (Committee Member)
Geologist, Geological Survey & Mines Bureau, 569, Epitamulla Road, Pitakotte, Mobile: , email:
Mr. P.L. Dharmapriya (Committee Member)
Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya, mobile: ,
Mr. P. Herath (Committee Member)
Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya, Mobile: , email:
Mr. K.D.A. Samaraweera (Committee Member)
Water Resources Board, Tel: , e mail:
The 32nd Executive Committee of GSSL (2015)
President: Prof.Rohan Fernando
Professor in geology, Open University of Sri Lanka
Secretary: Dr. N.W.B. Balasooriya
Senior Lecturer, University of Peradeniya
Treasurer: Mr. Chaminda Kularatna
Petroleum Resources Development Secretariat, Colombo
Vice-President: Mr. Mangala Rajapakse
National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Colombo