Past Executive Committees of GSSL

The 34th Executive Committee of GSSL (2017)

Prof. N.P. Ratnayake (President)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Earth Resource Engineering, University of Moratuwa, mobile: , e-mail:

Dr. L.V. Ranaweera (Secretary)

Senior Lecturer, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Mobile: , e-mail: 

Dr. Gamini Jayatissa (Vice President)

Research Scientist, National Building Research Organization, mobile: , e-mail:

Prof. Deepal Subasingha (President elect)

Research Scientist, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Hantana Rd. Kandy, mobile: , e-mail:

Dr. Tilak Hewawasam (Past President)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Peradeniya, mobile: ,   e-mail:

Dr. P.L. Dharmapriya (Treasurer)

Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya, mobile: , e-mail:

Dr. N.W.B. Balasooriya (Co- Editor)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya, Mobile: , e-mail:

Dr. S.P.K. Malaviarachchi (Co- Editor)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya, mobile: , e-mail:

Dr. Upul Premarathne (Committee Member)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Oceanography and Marine Geology, University of Ruhuna, Mobile: , email:

Dr. Daham Jayawardhane (Committee Member)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayawardhanepura Mobile: , email:

Dr. Amila Rathnayake (Committee Member)

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Earth Resource Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Mobile: ,

Mr. S. Gunarathne (Committee Member)

Geologist, National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Mobile: , email:

Mr. D. Abeysinghe (Committee Member)

Geologist, Geological Survey & Mines Bureau, 569, Epitamulla Road, Pitakotte, Mobile: , email:

Mr. W.A.D.T.L. Wijesinghe (Committee Member)

Scientist, National Building Research Organization, Mobile: , email:

Mr. Shasika Kumarasinghe (Committee Member)

Scientist, Water Resources Board, Mobile: , email:

The 33rd Executive Committee of GSSL (2016)

Dr. Tilak Hewawasam (President)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Peradeniya, mobile: ,   e-mail:  

Dr. L.V. Ranaweera (Secretary)

Senior Lecturer, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Mobile: , e-mail:

Prof. Deepal Subasingha (Vice President)

Research Scientist, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Hantana Rd. Kandy, Tel:  , E-mail:

Prof. N.P. Ratnayake (President Elect)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Earth Resource Engineering, University of Moratuwa, mobile: , e-mail:  

Mr. Chaminda Kularatna (Treasurer)

Petroleum Geologist, Petroleum Resource Development Secretariat, Mobile: , e-mail:

Dr. N.W.B. Balasooriya (Co- Editor)

Senior Lecturer, South Eastern University, Mobile: , e-mail:

Dr. S.P.K. Malaviarachchi (Co- Editor)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya, mobile: , e-mail:

Prof. Rohan Fernando (Past President)

Prof. in Geology, The Open University, Mobile:  e-mail:

Mr. H.M.L. Indrathilake (Committee Member)

National Building Research Organization, mobile: , e-mail:

Mr. S. Gunarathne (Committee Member)

Geologist, National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Mobile: , email:

Ms. U. Abeypala (Committee Member)

Geologist, National Gem and Jewelry Authority, No. 25, Galle Face Terrace, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka, Mobile: , email:

Mr. D. Abeysinghe (Committee Member)

Geologist, Geological Survey & Mines Bureau, 569, Epitamulla Road, Pitakotte, Mobile: , email:

Mr. P.L. Dharmapriya (Committee Member)

Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya, mobile: ,


Mr. P. Herath (Committee Member)

Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya, Mobile: , email:

Mr. K.D.A. Samaraweera (Committee Member)

Water Resources Board, Tel: , e mail:

The 32nd Executive Committee of GSSL (2015)

President: Prof.Rohan Fernando

Professor in geology, Open University of Sri Lanka

Secretary: Dr. N.W.B. Balasooriya

Senior Lecturer, University of Peradeniya

Treasurer: Mr.  Chaminda  Kularatna

Petroleum Resources Development Secretariat, Colombo

Vice-President: Mr. Mangala  Rajapakse

National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Colombo

Past President: Prof. H.M.T.G.A. Pitawala

President Elect: Dr. Tilak Hewawasam

Editors: Dr. C.H.E.R Siriwardana and Prof. Nalin  Ratnayake

Committee Members:

Dr.  Deepal  Subasingha

Mr. Mahinda Seneviratna

Mr.  Lakshitha  Karuraratne

Mr. P.A.S.S. Nawaratne

Mr. B.M.R.K. Balasooriya

The 31st Executive Committee of GSSL (2014)

Dr. H.M.T.G.A.Pitawala (President)

Senior Lecturer, Deparment of Geology, University of Peradeniya

Mr. R.M.B. Somaratne (Vice President)

Senior Scientist, National Building Research Organization, 99/1, Jawatta Road, Colombo 5

Prof. G.W.A. Rohan Fernando (President Elect)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, The University of Sri Lanka, Nawala
(office) (mobile)

 Dr. S.P.K. Malviarachchi (Secretary) 

Senior Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Peradeniya

Dr. N.W.B. Balasooriya (Treasurer)

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Applied Sciences, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Sammanthurai

Dr. N.P. Ratnayake (Co- Editor)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Earth Resource Engineering, University of Moratuwa

Dr. Tilak Hewawasam (Co- Editor)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Peradeniya

Dr. Nishantha Attanayake (Past President)

Senior Lecturer, Deparment of Science and Technology, Uva-Wellassa University, Pssara Road, Badulla

Mr. Saman Kalubandara (Committee Member)

Geologist, Geological Survey & Mines Bureau, 569, Epitamulla Road, Pitakotte

Dr. Lalindra Ranaweera (Committee Member)

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihul Oya

Dr. Daham Tharanga Jayawardena (Committee Member)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Sri Jayawardenapura

Mr. Pathmakumara Jayasingha (Committee Member)

Deputy Manager, Coordinating Secretariate for Science, Technology and Innovation
, ,

Mr. C. Seneviratne (Committee Member)

Geologist, Petroleum Resources Development Secretariat

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